
At MVA we believe in and are invested in the success of each and every unique student. In order to meet the diverse needs of every student, all of our courses: 

allow the student to work at their own pace, ensuring that they are able to take the time required to understand key concepts before progressing

have been developed using the principles of universal design and differentiated instruction

incorporate a diverse range of teaching and learning strategies

Incorporate a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies so that students can demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways

are monitored by MVA staff for the ongoing effectiveness of instructional strategies and accommodations in order to respond to student needs and ensure student success

are designed on an online platform that could allow students to use their own assistive technologies that they already have access to and are familiar with

The term “accommodations” refers to the special teaching and assessment strategies, supports, and/or individualized equipment required to enable a student to learn and to demonstrate learning. Some students with special needs are able, with certain accommodations, to participate in the regular course curriculum, achieve the learning expectations, and demonstrate their learning. The accommodations enable the student to access the course without any changes to the knowledge and skills the student is expected to demonstrate. In other words, students who are supported by accommodations acquire the knowledge and skills outlined in the regular grade-level or course expectations. Accommodations take into account the student’s preferred learning modality and areas of strength and need, and provide students with appropriate opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

The accommodations required to facilitate a student’s learning can be identified by the teacher, but recommendations from a school board-generated IEP if available can also be consulted. An IEP is a record of the particular accommodations needed to help a student with identified learning disabilities achieve learning expectations, given the student’s identified learning strengths and needs. An IEP suggests supports that would allow students to progress through school successfully. Any student enrolled in an MVA course with an existing IEP is welcome to submit a copy of it—any accommodations listed that are applicable to our learning environment will be implemented. If a student requires accommodations for reasons not outlined in an existing IEP, the student must submit a note from a consulting physician or other qualified professional indicating any recommended accommodations.

The online learning environment is particularly responsive to a student's specific needs, such as a high level of visual cueing, large-size font, more frequent breaks, and extra time for processing. Additionally, because the student has greater control over their work environment, online learning can allow for several important environmental accommodations including: use of an alternative work space, the reduction of audio/visual stimuli, the minimization of background noise, a quiet setting, the use of headphones, special lighting, and the use of assistive devices or adaptive equipment.

English Language Learners

English language learners (ELLs) are students whose first language is not English, or is a form of English that is significantly different from that used for instruction in Ontario’s schools, and who may require focused educational supports to assist them in attaining proficiency in English. These students may be Canadian born or recently arrived from other countries. They come from diverse backgrounds and school experiences, and have a wide variety of strengths and needs.

MVA has supports in place for ELLs as they develop proficiency in English, including;

Integration of learning opportunities for ELLs into the curriculum in all subject areas.

Teachers are responsible for helping students develop their abilities to use English - they will adapt the instructional program to address students’ different levels of proficiency in English and help these students adjust to a new linguistic, cultural, and educational environment.

Accommodations can include, for example, extra time on quizzes, tests, and exams. Students are always encouraged to use evidence-based learning strategies such as exploring opportunities to work in their first language, using a bilingual dictionary, keeping a vocabulary log, and using graphic organizers.

Post-secondary Applications

Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC)

OUAC is a centralized application service enabling students to apply to undergraduate programs at Ontario universities. OUAC receives student applications, processes them, and then transfers the information to the universities selected by the student. OUAC does not make decisions on admissions – that is the responsibility of the university.

Ontario Colleges Application Centre (OCAS)

OCAS is an application processing centre for undergraduate admissions to Ontario Colleges. OCAS receives student applications, processes them, and then transfers the information to the colleges selected by the student. OCAS does not make decisions on admissions—that is the responsibility of the college.

If requested, MVA can send student marks directly to OUAC and OCAS (either after the midterm report card or the final report card).